The entire purpose of this technology is to go through the entirety of the internet continuously over and over and over on a never ending loop searching for content such as web pages, images and videos.
Not too long ago I was speaking with a client based just outside of Dallas, Texas. They had been in the dietary supplement business for over 25 years.
When the internet was first taking off their company quickly rose to the top of the search rankings nationally.
Then about 15 years later this same company couldn’t find a single product they sold in the first 5 pages of any major search engine.
The gentleman I was speaking with spent an hour, with 100% certainty explaining to me how Google was rigged and only those companies that paid them the most amount of money ended at the top of the major search engines.
As a marketer I know that this is not a true statement. Regardless of how unfair it might seem, search engine rankings are not rigged. But the work of SEO is never done. The companies that understand this excel and the companies that don’t understand this fail.
93% of all consumers will not go past page one of the Google Search Page Results and Small Business Owners pay millions of dollars on Search Engine Optimization trying, hoping against hope they will somehow buy their way to the top of organic rankings.
I wrote this article specifically to educate Small Business Owners on the basics of Search Engine Optimization to help them better direct their employees on the best SEO strategy for their business.
How does Search Engine Optimization work?
Each search engine uses a different technology to accomplish the same task. The technology is commonly known as “Crawler”, “Bot” or “Spider”.
The entire purpose of this technology is to go through the entirety of the internet continuously over and over and over on a never ending lope searching for content such as web pages, images and videos. This “crawler”, “bot” or “spider” hop from one page to the next page by using the links inside the web pages. They are looking for new links, new content to index.
The next thing it does is categorize each piece of content that it finds. This is called indexing. It is a massive list of all web pages and content found from the “crawler”, “bot” or “spider” respectively. Each search engine pulls data from its index as the source of information you see on search result pages.
Note: Not everything the “crawler”, “bot” or “spider” finds makes it into an index. If one of these technologies finds the exact same information on more than one site, it will only index one site and that is always the one it found first. Always.
Example: You sell computers made from big name companies. Said big name company releases a new product and sends every single company that sells computers for them the exact same product information. Now the big named company will also have this information on their website and would have published it first. The search engine is only going to index the big named company, not all the other companies. It would be smart to have your own description for the product other than what was sent to you so that it can be indexed.
Lastly is Ranking. Every search engine keeps their ranking algorithm completely confidential. So unless you work at Google, Bing, Yahoo or any of the other search engine companies, you will NEVER be able to get this information.
Lastly is Ranking. Every search engine keeps their ranking algorithm completely confidential. So unless you work at Google, Bing, Yahoo or any of the other search engine companies, you will NEVER be able to get this information.
Despite keeping the vast majority of this information in Fort Knox, they have shared sparingly specific things to concentrate on:
I could literally spend the next 10 hours writing out all the specifics about each one of these components, but I am going to give you the broad strokes.
This will leave out a bunch of technology mambo-jumbo that most people wouldn’t understand to begin with.
At the end of the day, what do we understand about ranking – It needs to be USER FRIENDLY and it needs to be RELEVANT.
I know this sounds simple, and actually it is very simple. The number #1 reason companies do not succeed with SEO, is because they do not do the work necessary to have good SEO.
So you ask me “How do I ensure that I have a good SEO plan?.
Now I said earlier in this article that the #1 reason small businesses fail at SEO is that they don’t do the work and now you have a bit of an idea how much work it actually takes.
Realize that this is a basic plan. I could have gone really deep and typed out another 10,000 words, but that would have been a bit overwhelming.
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